NCP records over 2,000 kidney cases yearly
Nadira Gunatilleke
Nearly 2,000 kidney patients are registered at the Anuradhapura Renal Care and Research Centre to attend regular clinics and at least 40 new patients are diagnosed every week, the Medical Officer attached to the Centre Dr. A.P. Sampath said. A large number of new young patients are registered and some are in the last stages of the disease, Dr. Sampath said.
He said 2,000 kidney patients from different parts of the region have been registered with the centre and attend clinics. Kidney patients above the age of 40 are the most affected because they do not receive free dialysis. Only patients below the age of 40 receive free dialysis from the Centre.
According to Dr. Sampath, some times more than one member of the same family suffer from kidney disease. "Then it becomes more serious because of the unbearable cost of treatment," he said.
The majority of the patients above the age of 40 are breadwinners of their families and it is a huge burden for their families. The centre has to address the problems of the kidney patients as well as their families, Dr. Sampath said.
Anuradhapura Hospital Director Dr. W.M.T.B. Wijekoon said about 15,000 kidney patients have been discovered from the affected region since the mid nineties and 305 kidney patients were admitted to hospital in 2008 out of which 130 of them died.
Eight hundred and thirty four kidney patients were admitted to the hospital in 2007 and 208 of them died. The number of kidney patients' deaths in 2006 is 181, he said.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Don't send children as domestic servants...!!!
Don't send children as domestics - S. Kanapathiraja
by P. Rajaratnam in Nuwara Eliya
Vice President of the Ceylon Workers' Alliance S. Kanapathiraja alerted estate workers not to send their children as domestic servants and let them become victims of all sorts of abuses and violence.
Kanapathiraja was speaking at the funerals of the two young girls whose bodies were found in a canal at Baudhaloka Mawatha, Colombo. The two victims who were from Maskeliya were working as domestic servants at a house in Colombo.
Making his speech amidst the large gathering Kanapathiraja said that he has brought the issue to the notice of President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
"The estate workers should protect their children by not sending them as domestic servants. The innocent estate children are treated brutally and made to labour in pathetic conditions.
"Therefore the estate workers should not send their children as servants to overcome their poverty and financial difficulties," he said.
He also pointed out that there were several middlemen and brokers who are involved in misleading the innocent estate youngsters.
by P. Rajaratnam in Nuwara Eliya
Vice President of the Ceylon Workers' Alliance S. Kanapathiraja alerted estate workers not to send their children as domestic servants and let them become victims of all sorts of abuses and violence.
Kanapathiraja was speaking at the funerals of the two young girls whose bodies were found in a canal at Baudhaloka Mawatha, Colombo. The two victims who were from Maskeliya were working as domestic servants at a house in Colombo.
Making his speech amidst the large gathering Kanapathiraja said that he has brought the issue to the notice of President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
"The estate workers should protect their children by not sending them as domestic servants. The innocent estate children are treated brutally and made to labour in pathetic conditions.
"Therefore the estate workers should not send their children as servants to overcome their poverty and financial difficulties," he said.
He also pointed out that there were several middlemen and brokers who are involved in misleading the innocent estate youngsters.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Smile is priceless........!!!

Smile is priceless
Words are what we use most often to communicate, but we transfer a lot of ideas from one person to another using other means. For example, we smile.
A smile is a complex way of indicating what we think because there are so many ways to smile. We smile to indicate we're amused. We smile to indicate we are pleased. If we wish to let a person know that we agree with what he or she said, we smile as a mark of affirmation.
Some people have compulsive smiles. Even when they tell a sad story, they smile. I frown more than most people and smile less often, but I don't think my reaction to the world is any less positive than anyone else's. Smiling just doesn't come naturally.
The best smiles come unbidden. You don't always decide to smile. Often your mouth widens and the corners turn up slightly without you deciding to do it. That's why smiles are so good. The best ones are unplanned.
Smiling is such a great way to create a positive in your days. Smile can be defined this way:
These are some of the things one can find in a smile.
Sensitivity - When you smile at the someone you are conveying a number of things. Several of them I'm going to expand on here. For S stands for Sensitivity. A smile lets the person you are having a conversation with know that you are sensitive and in tune with what they are saying.
Maturity - Smiling conveys a sense of maturity because if you can smile during those times that you least feel the desire to smile, you show maturity and growth as a person. You are letting people know that even in the hard times a positive attitude is valued above the irrational.
Insurance - A warm smile tells people that you value them and lets them know that you are in fact listening to what they have to say. So smile and be genuinely interested in the people around you.
Leverage - Leverage sounds a bit manipulative but I don't mean it in that sense. A smile makes you much more approachable and therefore you are more likeable.
If closer relationships with the family or the people you work with is what you desire, then try smiling more openly.
Emotion - Lastly, but definitely not least, your smile conveys love. Everyone likes to feel loved and can use more of it in their lives. So love them with your smile.
Believe it or not smiling takes less effort to wear than a frown so save yourself the energy and smile often.
The benefits of having the smile returned and the positives of a warm attitude are well worth it.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Swine flu symptoms...!!!
What are the symptoms?
Swine flu symptoms are similar to the symptoms of regular flu and include fever of over 100.4°F, fatigue, lack of appetite, and cold. Some people with swine flu have also reported runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Nearly everyone with flu has at least two of these symptoms.
So, how do you know if you have flu or just cold?
There is one clue: when you have the flu, you feel flu symptoms sooner than you would cold symptoms, and they come on with much greater intensity.. With the flu, you may feel very weak and fatigued for up to 2 or 3 weeks. You'll have muscle aches and periods of chills and sweats as fever comes and goes. You may also have a stuffy or runny nose, headache, and sore throat.
Can I compare flu symptoms with cold symptoms?
Yes. The following chart can help you compare flu symptoms with cold symptoms. Use it to lean the differences and similarities between flu and cold symptoms. Then, if you get flu symptoms, call your doctor and ask about an antiviral drug.
Symptoms Cold Flu
Fever Rare Characteristic, high 100-102 degrees F); lasts 3-4 days
Headache Rare Prominent
General aches, pains Slight Usual; often severe
Fatigue, Weakness Quite mild Can last up to 2-3 weeks
Extreme Exhaustion Never Early and prominent
Stuffy Nose Common Sometimes
Chest Discomfort,Cough Mild to moderate; hacking cough Common; can become severe
You cannot confirm if you have swine flu just based on your symptoms. Like seasonal flu, pandemic swine flu can cause neurologic symptoms in children. These events are rare, but, as cases associated with seasonal flu have shown, they can be very severe and often fatal.
Doctors may offer a rapid flu test, but what you need to understand is a negative result doesn't necessarily mean you don't have the flu. Only lab tests can definitively show whether you've got swine flu. State health departments can do these tests.
What should you do immediately?
Those of you who have travelled from the affected countries in the past ten days and show symptoms swine flu like fever, cough, sore throat and difficulty in breathing should immediately contact the telephone number given below or visit the nearby Government Hospital.
Important contact numbers:
Outbreak Monitoring Cell (Control Room, NICD): 011-23921401
Websites: and
You can also contact a toll free number 2392 1401 at the National Institute of Communicable Disease
Contact number for each cities:
BIAL Swine Flu Center - 91-80-22001490
SDS TUBERCULOSIS & RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF CHEST DISEASES(Govt. of Karnataka), Hosur Road, Bangalore - 560029
Helpline No: 91-80-26631923
Communicable Disease Hospital, 87, T.H. Road, Tondiarpet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Govt. General and Chest Diseases Hospital, Erragadda , Hyderabad
Hospital Helpline Number - 040-23814939
Beliaghata Infectious Diseases Hospital, 57, Beliaghata Main Road, Kolkata
Kasturba Hospital, Arthur Road, Sane Guruji Marg, Mumbai 400011
Ph: 022- 23083901 / 23092458 / 23000889
New Delhi
Yellow Fever Quarantine Centre, Near AAI Residential Colony, New Delhi
Ph: 91-11-25652129
Influenza Ward, Ward no 5, Second Floor, New Building, RML Hospital, Delhi-1
RML- 91-11-24525211,23404328,23365525- Ext 4328
Who is at risk?
Those who are more at risk from becoming seriously ill with swine flu are people with:
chronic (long-term) lung disease, including people who have had drug treatment for their asthma within the past three years,
chronic heart disease,
chronic kidney disease,
chronic liver disease,
chronic neurological disease (neurological disorders include motor neurone disease, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis),
suppressed immune systems (whether caused by disease or treatment),
pregnant women,
people aged 65 or older, and
young children under five.
What precautions should one take at schools?
Avoid close contact with people who are sick
People who are sick with an influenza-like illness should stay home and keep away from others as much as possible, including avoiding travel, for at least 24 hours after fever is gone except to get medical care or for other necessities. (Fever should be gone without the use of fever-reducing medicine). Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing
Wash your hands often
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
Is it safe to travel?
Avoid traveling unnecessarily. However, if you must travel, check how the country you're going to handles swine flu. Although, the WHO doesn't recommend travel restrictions, many countries have set up their own H1N1 policies, and some travelers have been screened or quarantined in other countries because of swine flu concerns.
How does it spread?
The new swine flu virus is highly contagious, that is it spreads from person to person. The virus is spread through the droplets that come out of the nose or mouth when someone coughs or sneezes. If someone coughs or sneezes and they do not cover it, those droplets can spread about one metre (3ft). If you are very nearby you might breathe them in.
Or, if someone coughs or sneezes into their hand, those droplets and the virus within them are easily transferred to surfaces that the person touches, such as door handles, hand rails, telephones and keyboards. If you touch these surfaces and touch your face, the virus can enter your system, and you can become infected.
Can it be prevented?
Influenza antiviral drugs also can be used to prevent influenza when they are given to a person who is not ill, but who has been or may be near a person with swine influenza. When used to prevent the flu, antiviral drugs are about 70% to 90% effective. When used for prevention, the number of days that they should be used will vary depending on a person’s particular situation.
Follow this general procedure to reduce the risk of catching or spreading the virus, you should:
Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, using a tissue
Throw the tissue away quickly and carefully
Wash your hands regularly with soap and water
Clean hard surfaces (like door handles and remote controls) frequently with a normal cleaning product
Keep away from others as much as possible. This is to keep from making others sick. Do not go to work or school while ill
Stay home for at least 24 hours after fever is gone, except to seek medical care or for other necessities. (Fever should be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine.)
Drink clear fluids (such as water, broth, sports drinks, electrolyte beverages for infants) to keep from being dehydrated
Wear a facemask – if available and tolerable – when sharing common spaces with other household members to help prevent spreading the virus to others.
What precautions should one take at home?
Two things - soap and water can reduce the chance of infection by 30 per cent. All you need to do is keep washing your hand with soap and water frequently. Wash hands frequently with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand cleaner when soap and water are not available. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
Eat healthy: Proteins are essential to help your body maintain and build strength. Lean meat, poultry, fish, legumes, dairy, eggs, and nuts and seeds are good sources of protein.
Swine flu symptoms are similar to the symptoms of regular flu and include fever of over 100.4°F, fatigue, lack of appetite, and cold. Some people with swine flu have also reported runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Nearly everyone with flu has at least two of these symptoms.
So, how do you know if you have flu or just cold?
There is one clue: when you have the flu, you feel flu symptoms sooner than you would cold symptoms, and they come on with much greater intensity.. With the flu, you may feel very weak and fatigued for up to 2 or 3 weeks. You'll have muscle aches and periods of chills and sweats as fever comes and goes. You may also have a stuffy or runny nose, headache, and sore throat.
Can I compare flu symptoms with cold symptoms?
Yes. The following chart can help you compare flu symptoms with cold symptoms. Use it to lean the differences and similarities between flu and cold symptoms. Then, if you get flu symptoms, call your doctor and ask about an antiviral drug.
Symptoms Cold Flu
Fever Rare Characteristic, high 100-102 degrees F); lasts 3-4 days
Headache Rare Prominent
General aches, pains Slight Usual; often severe
Fatigue, Weakness Quite mild Can last up to 2-3 weeks
Extreme Exhaustion Never Early and prominent
Stuffy Nose Common Sometimes
Chest Discomfort,Cough Mild to moderate; hacking cough Common; can become severe
You cannot confirm if you have swine flu just based on your symptoms. Like seasonal flu, pandemic swine flu can cause neurologic symptoms in children. These events are rare, but, as cases associated with seasonal flu have shown, they can be very severe and often fatal.
Doctors may offer a rapid flu test, but what you need to understand is a negative result doesn't necessarily mean you don't have the flu. Only lab tests can definitively show whether you've got swine flu. State health departments can do these tests.
What should you do immediately?
Those of you who have travelled from the affected countries in the past ten days and show symptoms swine flu like fever, cough, sore throat and difficulty in breathing should immediately contact the telephone number given below or visit the nearby Government Hospital.
Important contact numbers:
Outbreak Monitoring Cell (Control Room, NICD): 011-23921401
Websites: and
You can also contact a toll free number 2392 1401 at the National Institute of Communicable Disease
Contact number for each cities:
BIAL Swine Flu Center - 91-80-22001490
SDS TUBERCULOSIS & RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUTE OF CHEST DISEASES(Govt. of Karnataka), Hosur Road, Bangalore - 560029
Helpline No: 91-80-26631923
Communicable Disease Hospital, 87, T.H. Road, Tondiarpet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Govt. General and Chest Diseases Hospital, Erragadda , Hyderabad
Hospital Helpline Number - 040-23814939
Beliaghata Infectious Diseases Hospital, 57, Beliaghata Main Road, Kolkata
Kasturba Hospital, Arthur Road, Sane Guruji Marg, Mumbai 400011
Ph: 022- 23083901 / 23092458 / 23000889
New Delhi
Yellow Fever Quarantine Centre, Near AAI Residential Colony, New Delhi
Ph: 91-11-25652129
Influenza Ward, Ward no 5, Second Floor, New Building, RML Hospital, Delhi-1
RML- 91-11-24525211,23404328,23365525- Ext 4328
Who is at risk?
Those who are more at risk from becoming seriously ill with swine flu are people with:
chronic (long-term) lung disease, including people who have had drug treatment for their asthma within the past three years,
chronic heart disease,
chronic kidney disease,
chronic liver disease,
chronic neurological disease (neurological disorders include motor neurone disease, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis),
suppressed immune systems (whether caused by disease or treatment),
pregnant women,
people aged 65 or older, and
young children under five.
What precautions should one take at schools?
Avoid close contact with people who are sick
People who are sick with an influenza-like illness should stay home and keep away from others as much as possible, including avoiding travel, for at least 24 hours after fever is gone except to get medical care or for other necessities. (Fever should be gone without the use of fever-reducing medicine). Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing
Wash your hands often
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
Is it safe to travel?
Avoid traveling unnecessarily. However, if you must travel, check how the country you're going to handles swine flu. Although, the WHO doesn't recommend travel restrictions, many countries have set up their own H1N1 policies, and some travelers have been screened or quarantined in other countries because of swine flu concerns.
How does it spread?
The new swine flu virus is highly contagious, that is it spreads from person to person. The virus is spread through the droplets that come out of the nose or mouth when someone coughs or sneezes. If someone coughs or sneezes and they do not cover it, those droplets can spread about one metre (3ft). If you are very nearby you might breathe them in.
Or, if someone coughs or sneezes into their hand, those droplets and the virus within them are easily transferred to surfaces that the person touches, such as door handles, hand rails, telephones and keyboards. If you touch these surfaces and touch your face, the virus can enter your system, and you can become infected.
Can it be prevented?
Influenza antiviral drugs also can be used to prevent influenza when they are given to a person who is not ill, but who has been or may be near a person with swine influenza. When used to prevent the flu, antiviral drugs are about 70% to 90% effective. When used for prevention, the number of days that they should be used will vary depending on a person’s particular situation.
Follow this general procedure to reduce the risk of catching or spreading the virus, you should:
Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, using a tissue
Throw the tissue away quickly and carefully
Wash your hands regularly with soap and water
Clean hard surfaces (like door handles and remote controls) frequently with a normal cleaning product
Keep away from others as much as possible. This is to keep from making others sick. Do not go to work or school while ill
Stay home for at least 24 hours after fever is gone, except to seek medical care or for other necessities. (Fever should be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine.)
Drink clear fluids (such as water, broth, sports drinks, electrolyte beverages for infants) to keep from being dehydrated
Wear a facemask – if available and tolerable – when sharing common spaces with other household members to help prevent spreading the virus to others.
What precautions should one take at home?
Two things - soap and water can reduce the chance of infection by 30 per cent. All you need to do is keep washing your hand with soap and water frequently. Wash hands frequently with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand cleaner when soap and water are not available. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
Eat healthy: Proteins are essential to help your body maintain and build strength. Lean meat, poultry, fish, legumes, dairy, eggs, and nuts and seeds are good sources of protein.
“I know him so well…?”
“I know him so well…?”
By Krishni Gunawardena- Counsellor/Therapist
The song from "Jesus Christ Super Star" came into the mind of yours truly, trying to pen some ideas about how well a person knows his/her spouse.
Honestly, how well do you know your partner? It may sound a stupid question but think about how you would answer; Do you know their favourite music? What makes them laugh? What they dislike to see happening around the house? Their childhood memories? Their best topic to chat? Or do you know what attracts them to you?
We all like to think that we know our spouse better than anyone else. But most of us don’t know them as well as we think we do. In fact at times we don’t even really know ourselves, do we?
Although we think we are impartial judges, the truth is we hardly see a full and accurate picture of us and our relationship. That however is very natural.
In a relationship we cannot assume all is well with our partner. We cannot speak for our spouse’s opinion unless we find out first. Many husbands speak for their wives. Is it a Sri Lankan thing?
Nuwan 35 is a CEO of a company and his wife Tharindi is a sweet girl, eleven years junior. When a friend asked Tharindi whether she was happy about a certain situation, the husband butts in and says " Oh! She is happy about it" Tharindi wears a blank face, so much as to say " What is he talking about?"
If we are too complacent about our relationship we run the risk of losing all perspective and making it far easier for things to go wrong.
In a relationship- obviously- it is healthy and lovely for both to be truly happy and satisfied, than one being so.
One of the most common judgment errors that most of us make is in how we assign blame. Blame is of course at the centre of most conflicts and if we are judging our spouse by a very different standard, then arguments become more difficult to resolve.
Logan, who’s father was a principal and a mother a teacher grew up, constantly being reminded of the pluses of punctuality. When he married Maheshwari –a carefree girl- he found it difficult to understand her nonchalant attitude and behaviour. Logan says "When I have promised to go to my friend’s place at 8 pm, it has to be 8 pm" His wife- much to his annoyance- is late most of the time! Why does he want to be there at 8 pm on the dot? Is it because of his friend or because of the stubborn notion that he has to stick to his usual pattern?
Well, it all depends on how important the function is and other facts as well. However, isn’t it lovely to strike a balance between the couple? Ah! Compromise. That’s the word!
Each one of us brings a pre-existing script to our relationship. Most of them are formed in our childhood. They sometimes determine how we think about ourselves and other people. Sometimes it drives us to interpret other people’s behaviour in a way that suits our script.
Kamani, 28 thought she was reserved and felt she needed an outgoing guy to bring her out of her shell. This is how her parent’s relationship had worked. Her mother too was reserved. "When I met Gayan at a party, I thought he was ‘The One’ for me" They got engaged and for the first few months it was one big party! Every night they were going out. She soon realized she hardly had any time with him alone. She would say "I felt I wasn’t in a relationship, it was all about being supportive to all his ‘out going’ plans.
I was only thinking of fitting him in just one aspect and didn’t consider whether he was right for me in other aspects."
After we get over the first flush of romance we know our relationship better, but some of us engage in self-deception.
Looking at things from a different angle could help us to know and appreciate our spouse more deeply. Understanding our partner’s perspective rather than our own assumptions, gives us the chance to change the way we react and it can lead to a better relationship.
By Krishni Gunawardena- Counsellor/Therapist
The song from "Jesus Christ Super Star" came into the mind of yours truly, trying to pen some ideas about how well a person knows his/her spouse.
Honestly, how well do you know your partner? It may sound a stupid question but think about how you would answer; Do you know their favourite music? What makes them laugh? What they dislike to see happening around the house? Their childhood memories? Their best topic to chat? Or do you know what attracts them to you?
We all like to think that we know our spouse better than anyone else. But most of us don’t know them as well as we think we do. In fact at times we don’t even really know ourselves, do we?
Although we think we are impartial judges, the truth is we hardly see a full and accurate picture of us and our relationship. That however is very natural.
In a relationship we cannot assume all is well with our partner. We cannot speak for our spouse’s opinion unless we find out first. Many husbands speak for their wives. Is it a Sri Lankan thing?
Nuwan 35 is a CEO of a company and his wife Tharindi is a sweet girl, eleven years junior. When a friend asked Tharindi whether she was happy about a certain situation, the husband butts in and says " Oh! She is happy about it" Tharindi wears a blank face, so much as to say " What is he talking about?"
If we are too complacent about our relationship we run the risk of losing all perspective and making it far easier for things to go wrong.
In a relationship- obviously- it is healthy and lovely for both to be truly happy and satisfied, than one being so.
One of the most common judgment errors that most of us make is in how we assign blame. Blame is of course at the centre of most conflicts and if we are judging our spouse by a very different standard, then arguments become more difficult to resolve.
Logan, who’s father was a principal and a mother a teacher grew up, constantly being reminded of the pluses of punctuality. When he married Maheshwari –a carefree girl- he found it difficult to understand her nonchalant attitude and behaviour. Logan says "When I have promised to go to my friend’s place at 8 pm, it has to be 8 pm" His wife- much to his annoyance- is late most of the time! Why does he want to be there at 8 pm on the dot? Is it because of his friend or because of the stubborn notion that he has to stick to his usual pattern?
Well, it all depends on how important the function is and other facts as well. However, isn’t it lovely to strike a balance between the couple? Ah! Compromise. That’s the word!
Each one of us brings a pre-existing script to our relationship. Most of them are formed in our childhood. They sometimes determine how we think about ourselves and other people. Sometimes it drives us to interpret other people’s behaviour in a way that suits our script.
Kamani, 28 thought she was reserved and felt she needed an outgoing guy to bring her out of her shell. This is how her parent’s relationship had worked. Her mother too was reserved. "When I met Gayan at a party, I thought he was ‘The One’ for me" They got engaged and for the first few months it was one big party! Every night they were going out. She soon realized she hardly had any time with him alone. She would say "I felt I wasn’t in a relationship, it was all about being supportive to all his ‘out going’ plans.
I was only thinking of fitting him in just one aspect and didn’t consider whether he was right for me in other aspects."
After we get over the first flush of romance we know our relationship better, but some of us engage in self-deception.
Looking at things from a different angle could help us to know and appreciate our spouse more deeply. Understanding our partner’s perspective rather than our own assumptions, gives us the chance to change the way we react and it can lead to a better relationship.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Green Tea helps lower stroke risk......!!!
SL Green Tea helps lower stroke risk
Further study needs to be carried out on SL Black Tea also
A research study carried out by Dr. Ranil De Silva from the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura and Prof. Y. Z. Zhu, Faculty of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS), has revealed that the active ingredient in Ceylon Green Tea helps prevents stroke.
Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and long-term disability. A stroke results from reduced blood supply and oxygen to the brain. In the study carried out by the two scientists, purified flavonoids extracted from Ceylon Green Tea were analyzed for their antioxidant scavenging properties, preventing cellular damage after cerebral ischemia.
The tea used for the study was Ceylon Green Tea planted in Sri Lankan highland areas. Liquid tea was freeze dried into powder according to standard procedures and the prepared solution was analysed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The tea extracts showed a significantly antioxidant effect.
“Previously, the health benefits of Green Tea in preventing diseases like heart disease and cancer were attributed to its vitamins and microelements. There is, however, evidence that these beneficial effects are largely due to its antioxidant properties, ” states the research paper.
“A certain degree of damage to brain cells during ischemic stroke is caused by increased production of oxygen free radicals. Cerebral protection could be helped by the active consumption of Ceylon Green Tea as a form of prevention of stroke. Antioxidant therapy could complement a regime of western drugs during treatment for the prevention of stroke,” the research papers states.
The therapeutic value of tea, a wonderfully refreshing beverage, has been recognised from time to time, but this study has resulted in highlighting an aspect that is little known and tested – that Ceylon Green Tea can definitely contribute in helping to treat ischemic disease, or stroke, with its debilitating aftermath that often scar patients for life.
Considering that Black Tea is produced in significantly large volumes in Sri Lanka, Dr Ranil de Silva intends conducting similar research in collaboration with Prof. Y. Z. Zhu on Ceylon Black Tea.
Such a study will certainly be beneficial to the tea industry, especially as consumers are being more and more health conscious He hope that the study will be funded by the stakeholders in the tea industry.
Further study needs to be carried out on SL Black Tea also
A research study carried out by Dr. Ranil De Silva from the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura and Prof. Y. Z. Zhu, Faculty of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS), has revealed that the active ingredient in Ceylon Green Tea helps prevents stroke.
Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and long-term disability. A stroke results from reduced blood supply and oxygen to the brain. In the study carried out by the two scientists, purified flavonoids extracted from Ceylon Green Tea were analyzed for their antioxidant scavenging properties, preventing cellular damage after cerebral ischemia.
The tea used for the study was Ceylon Green Tea planted in Sri Lankan highland areas. Liquid tea was freeze dried into powder according to standard procedures and the prepared solution was analysed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The tea extracts showed a significantly antioxidant effect.
“Previously, the health benefits of Green Tea in preventing diseases like heart disease and cancer were attributed to its vitamins and microelements. There is, however, evidence that these beneficial effects are largely due to its antioxidant properties, ” states the research paper.
“A certain degree of damage to brain cells during ischemic stroke is caused by increased production of oxygen free radicals. Cerebral protection could be helped by the active consumption of Ceylon Green Tea as a form of prevention of stroke. Antioxidant therapy could complement a regime of western drugs during treatment for the prevention of stroke,” the research papers states.
The therapeutic value of tea, a wonderfully refreshing beverage, has been recognised from time to time, but this study has resulted in highlighting an aspect that is little known and tested – that Ceylon Green Tea can definitely contribute in helping to treat ischemic disease, or stroke, with its debilitating aftermath that often scar patients for life.
Considering that Black Tea is produced in significantly large volumes in Sri Lanka, Dr Ranil de Silva intends conducting similar research in collaboration with Prof. Y. Z. Zhu on Ceylon Black Tea.
Such a study will certainly be beneficial to the tea industry, especially as consumers are being more and more health conscious He hope that the study will be funded by the stakeholders in the tea industry.
Monday, August 3, 2009
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