Body language: how to encourage respect
By James Borg, leading expert in body language
What an unusual commodity respect is. It is almost impossible to quantify, and yet it forms a crucial part of most human interactions. It can be unclear what constitutes respect, beyond recognising the integrity of another individual.
Mostly, respect is engendered by self-respect. If you see that somebody is taking themselves seriously, then you are much more likely also to take them seriously, too. So with your body language you should concentrate on projecting your strong sense of self. Done successfully, this body language will let those around you relax in your company. Imagine you’re watching a play and the actor forgets his lines – it’s always fine as long as the actor has the confidence to deal with the situation.
Dress to impress
Nothing says "I command respect" like good dress sense. It doesn’t have to be flashy or showy – it’s not a catwalk – and clothes that are too outlandish can convey the sense that you don’t take yourself seriously. But if you are well turned out, many people will find it that much harder to dismiss you out of hand.
Be deliberate
Hold yourself well – straight back, chin up, deliberate arm gestures. Imagine what you look like from the outside – do you give off the impression that you are worried about being yourself? You can practise in the mirror – even if you’re put in a situation you’re terrified of, you can at least look like you know what you are doing. If you stand up, or change your posture, do so with an equal sense of purpose. Keep the palms of your hands facing outwards, and try to smile. It makes you seem friendly and open, which combined with confidence lets people respect you as being both approachable and self-assured.
Are you leaking respect?
Negative body language, or "leakage", is one of the most surefire ways to eradicate any respect you inspire in others. These little signals betray your insecurities, and let your audience know you are wavering or uncertain of what you are saying. Excessive fidgeting – particularly playing with your hair, face or clothes – is an obvious warning that our faith, or respect, might be misplaced. Particularly avoid covering your mouth or face with your hands; this is a classic gesture of nervousness, and indicates that you might be lying.
This is especially true if you fear you are in a position of weakness – raising an issue at work, such as a pay-rise or mistreatment by a boss, or dealing with an awkward social situation, like a break-up with a partner. When you need to be taken seriously, you need your body language to support the words you’re saying. Respect helps in every aspect of life: the right body language can help you go a long way to achieving it, professionally, socially and romantically.
(c) The Telegraph Group
London 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
An inaugural International Tamil Sports Awards event was held at famous Brit Oval, London on 10-4- 2010 to recognise&reward the best sporting talents!

International Tamil Sports Award Event held in London
An inaugural International Tamil Sports Awards event was held at famous Brit Oval, London on 10th April 2010 to recognise and reward the best sporting talents within the British Tamil Diaspora Community.
Event was orgnised by Tamil School Sports Association (TSSA UK) the oldest Tamil Sports body in the UK, with the support of other leading Tamil Sports organisations with the vision of creating world renowned sports personnel and teams within the Tamil Community and contribute to world sports. President of TSSA, UK Mr. Arunachalam Thiruketheeswaran in his inaugural welcoming address claimed this event as the first of this kind within British Tamil Community and marks a beginning of a new era in Tamil Sports for the Tamil diaspora all over the world.
The event was attended by Hon. Minster Ms. Dawn Butler MP Minister for young Citizen and Youth engagement, British Parliamentarians, Sports personalities and Well wishers. In her key note address, the sports minister paid tribute to the enormous
contribution that Tamil Community made for the British Sports for the last many years and congratulated the finalists and the winners. She also praised the resilience of the Tamil Community and their thrive to create international sporting talents. She wished and hoped to see young British Tamil athlete in the forth coming London Olympics. She quoted lyrics of a powerful song,” The higher you build your barriers, The taller I become..” by Labi Siffre. The Minister referring the song, said, it is because your (Tamil Community) inside so strong I know that you can make it.
British Parliamentarians Barry Gardiner MP and Siobhain McDonagh MP also praised the mental focus and physical strength of young talents within the community and congratulated the finalists and event organisers. Message of support also received from Hon Minister Gareth Thomas, Shadow Foreign Minister from Liberal Democrat Ed Davey, Former London Mayor Ken Livingston, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, and British Member of Parliament, John Denham. Everyone who spoke admired the progress of Tamil Sporting Talents at National Level and International Level.
The event recognised the Tamil sporting talents in 5 different sports - Cricket, Football, Volleyball, Netball, and Athletics and in male, female, junior and senior categories. A Life Time Achievement award was presented to an international sporting hero who also contributed his life to the promotion of Tamil Sports. The event also awarded scholarships to promote young Tamil Sporting Talents within the community especially in North and East of Sri Lanka.
Event Organising Committee and TSSA Secretary, Joy Pooranachandren in his address explained the future plans of adding more sports categories and reaching out to broader audience. He further said, though this year's event was primarily led by TSSA with the support
of other organisations, a team from all other organisations will lead the event from next year. He envisioned that similar sporting events are to be organised at different country level among Tamils and to be evolved as a global event one day. He appreciated the support from British government, sporting personalities and organisations, sponsors and other well wishers for their continuous support for promoting sports within Tamil community.
In every category, nominations were called publicly and the final 3 were selected through an independent panel appointed by the Sports Awards Committee. Winner among the finalists were then selected through a secret ballot and announced at the event. Awards night was inaugurated with British National anthem and Tamil Thai Vanakkam sung by Manchari Kalamohan and with the British Junior Sports minister's award presentation of Junior Cricketer of the Year. Event was also entertained by the Traditional Barathanatya dance by Lavina and her friends. The solo dance by Lavina Suthanthiran – a leading journalist caught the attention of whole audience.
Following were the Winners
Junior Cricketer of the Year – Nishanth Selvakumar
Cricketer of the Year – Arun Harinath
Junior Footballer of the year - Vinothen Sathyamoorthy
Footballer of the year - Similan Anandajeyaraja
Volley Ball Player of the year - Thayalan Sinnathurai
Junior Male athlete of the Year - Madushanth Jude Ronil
Male Athlete of the Year - Navajeevan Pararajasingham
Junior - Netball Player of the Year - Natalie George
Net Ball Player of the year - Rathkalathevy Ananthavadivelu
Female Athlete of the year - Kaniseya Nadarasa
Junior - Female Athlete of the year - Natalie George
Life Time Achievement ( International ) - Nagalingam Ethiveerasingham
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